Biden 'gets pushed over' because he's 'a feeble senile personality'

Joe Biden at the first presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio on Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020. (C-SPAN video screenshot)

America likely will get taken to the cleaners by China under a “feeble Biden” administration, according to six security experts who shared their concerns with The Federalist.

Biden is “fundamentally cautious,” but he “gets pushed over” because “he is also a feeble senile personality,” charged Sumantra Maitra, a doctoral researcher at the University of Nottingham and a senior contributor to The Federalist.

Maitra identified two issues. The first is that “idealistic fanatics, like Susan Rice,” will push him into impossible positions with China, which is the “greatest challenge” for America.

Second is whether Europe pays its fair share and stops “free-riding,” Maitra said.

“The European Union is turning into an empire, and if they side with China, game over.”

The Federalist noted Trump ran on promises to overhaul the U.S. relationship with the communist giant.

“Throughout his administration, Trump railed against the communist country for unlawfully claiming territory in the Pacific Ocean, stripping Hong Kong’s autonomy, and covering up the Wuhan virus outbreak.”

But Biden, during his campaign, rarely got more specific than promising “to work with allies.”

Regarding China, Biden stated: “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man … I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.”

China expert and Stanford Professor Gordon Chang said the “worst thing that can result from Biden’s China policy is the next global war.”

He noted China tested both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama with “dangerous intercepts of the U.S. Navy.”

China believed it won both times, he said.

But the regime created no such test for Trump, he said, because Chinese leaders “were scared of him.”


“They are not scared,” he said, believing they will “once again control outcomes at the highest levels in Washington.”

Rebeccah Heinrichs, who specializes in nuclear deterrence and missile defense at the Hudson Institute, said China could take Taiwan “in the near term,” which would be the loss of America’s prominence in the Pacific.

“It would be devastating.”

David Goldman, who writes the “Spengler” column for the Asia Times, said Biden “probably will trade off a piecemeal removal of some of the Trump administration’s restrictions for greater access by U.S. companies to the Chinese domestic market.”

Michael Pillsbury, who heads the Center on Chinese Strategy at the Hudson Institute, said he worries about China’s “successful global influence campaign that uses gifts, loans, bribes, think tanks, and academics in a brilliantly orchestrated campaign to bolster those who see China with complacency.”

“The idea is to demonize anyone who wants to challenge China,” he said.

Further, he said they already have been successful with “many of our 550 or so billionaires who visit China in their executive jets, are hosted by Xi Jinping himself, and then promote false narratives suggested by the Chinese.”

And Helen Raleigh, senior contributor at The Federalist, said Biden’s Cabinet nominees are “all people who China knows how to deal with.”

“These are all people who have been around for a long time and they advocated for China’s policies in the past.”


This article appeared originally on WND.

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